Sunday, December 6, 2009

My Story

In December 2006, I posted a blog on my MySpace about what I wanted for Christmas. A guy that I brefriended sent a reply to the blog. It was a very humorous reply and it caught my attenton. So, I decided to look at his profile, and I found him VERY sttractive. He and and I began to talk online everyday. We found that we had a lot in common, so we decided to exchange phone numbers so we could talk even more. After talking on the phone for about a month, we thought it would be great to meet each other in person. I felt comfortable with him because he seemed like a pretty good friend, but I wanted to be on the safe side, so we met each other at MacArthur Center. We hang out for a little while and of course, continued to talk to each other online and over the phone.

We planned our first date which was also in a public place. And so that I would feel more comforatble, I invited two of my friends so that it would be a double date. We all four went to the movies to see the movie, "Stomp the Yard." Again, we had fun and enjoyed each other's company, so by this time I felt comfortable with him dropping me off at my house. He and I began seeing each other more and more, just about everyday. A couple months later, we decided to turn this friendship into a more serious relationship...we began dating on March 10, 2007 and are STILL dating today.. I can honestly say, that I have never been more happy in my life. It it still amazes the both of us that we weren't even looking for love on the Internet, but we found it. So imagine if you were looking for love on the Internet..... you would be able to find someone special just like we did. It may seem weird, but really it's not. We're both fairly normal, for the most part... =) and we're very happy and plan on getting married after I graduate. There's nothing wrong with Internet Dating as long as you play it safe just like you would on any other date.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Top 5 Online Dating Sites

I was able to find a website that gave the top 5 Online Dating Sites on the Internet.




  4. Yahoo Personals


Online Dating Safety

I have found that many reasons why people are not open to online dating is for safety reason. Little do they know, online dating is very safe if you take the proper precautions. Here are a few rules of thumb when it comes to playing it safe while online dating.

  • Trust your gut intstinct

  • Don't provide personal information too soon
  • Beware of married people

  • Look for questionable characteristics in your communication

  • Ask for a recent photo

  • Never let your guard down

  • Meet in a public place for your first meeting

If you or someone is interested in online dating, I found these tips to be very helpful. One of the most important rules to me personally is, if you are going to meet up with someone whom you've met online, MEET THEM IN A PUBLIC PLACE. Never give them your address before you have met them in person. This eliminates many dangers from happening. Also, trusting your gut instict is always best. If you have a really bad impression of someone from the very beginning, chances are, the impression will not improve. Remember to keep your information private and never let your guard down!

More Online Dating Statistics

- Online Dating Magazine estimates that more than 20 million people visit at least one online dating service a month. (Online Dating Magazine - 2007)
- Online Dating Magazine estimates that there are more than 120,000 marriages a year that occur as a result of online dating. (Online Dating Magazine - 2007)
- 31% of adults in America say they know someone who has used an online dating service. (Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project Report: Online Dating, March 2006)
- In 2003 it was estimated that three million people paid for an online dating service listing. (Source: Jupiter Research)
- In the first half of 2003, consumers spent over $214 million for online dating services. This number is 76 percent higher than the same time last year. (Source: Online Publishers Association)
- On average, those paying for online dating services spend a total of $239 per year. (Source: Jupiter Research)
- It is estimated that the financial growth of online dating will reach $642 million in 2008. (Source: Jupiter Research)
- As of February 2005, 33% fewer consumers are browsing online personals today than one year ago, causing the industry growth to slow considerably. (Source: Jupiter Research)
- Consumers spent $214.3 million on personals and dating content during the first half of 2003, up 76 percent from the same period in 2002. (Source: Online Publishers Association).

I found these on the website, ... It just goes to show you how very affective online dating has become over the past decade.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

I Bet You Didn't Know !

I bet that you didn't know that online dating dates back to the 1980's!! Yes, Of course it has become increasingly popular in recent years, it all began almost three decades ago. Whether you like it or not and whether you are agree with it or not, the Internet has changed the dating scene. Anne Mulrine's article in our textbook, Living in the Information Age, talks about a recent cover story from U.S. News @ World Report. It states that, "the rise of online dating services and their appeal to the record number of American adults who are single. In a typical month, as many as half of all singles, approximately 40 million Americans, may visit an online dating site." That's alot of people! There isn't just a small amount of people who are online dating. This article even makes a comparison to online dating being as important to the digital age as the automobile was to the 1920's and the birthcontrol pill to the 1960's! "We may be witnessing a SOCIAL REVOLUTION."

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Funny Video from Dating Consultant Jean Singer

Watch as dating consultant Jean Singer covers the basics of finding love online.

Let Me Throw Some Numbers at You

Despite what you may think, Internet dating is proving to be an even more successful way to find long term romance and friendship for people all over the world. A new study done by a group of researchers of online dating site members has found that when couples who had built up a significant relationship by e-mailing or chatting online met for the first time, 94% of them decided on seeing each other again. The most interesting and surprising results of the study to me was that, the study, by Dr. Jeff Gavin, of the University of Bath, also found that men were more emotionally dependent on their 'e-partners' than women, and more committed to the relationship.
Dr. Gavin, with Dr Adrian Scott of the University of Bath and Dr. Jill Duffield of the University of the West of England, carried out an online survey of 229 people, aged 18 to 65, who have used UK internet dating sites, asking them about their main relationship that they had had online.
The following are the reselts of the survey:
  • 94 per cent of those surveyed saw their 'e-partner' again after first meeting them, and the relationships lasted for an average of at least seven months, with 18 per cent of them lasting over a year.
  • men online were significantly more likely to be committed to the relationship than women and were more dependent on their 'e-partner'.
  • the more the couple engaged in simultaneous online chat before meeting rather than simply e-mailing one another, the more they were found to depend on one another emotionally and the more they understood one another.
  • those who exchanged gifts before meeting had a more committed and deeper relationship.
  • the more the couple talked on the telephone before they met, the deeper the relationship.

Of the relationships, 39 per cent were still going on at the time of the survey, and of these 24 per cent had been going for at least a year, and eight per cent for at least two years. Of the relationships that had already ended at the time of the survey, 14 per cent had lasted over a year, and four per cent had lasted over two years.

iDate Testimonials from Beverly Hills Event

Check out these testimonials of people who attended this event.

Friday, November 6, 2009

CNN News Report About Online Dating

Singles Looking for Love in the Recession

Internet Dating

The purpose of my blog is to show the non-believers out there that Internet is a great tool to use to meet new people for dates. I will be discussing and researching the exciting subject of Internet dating. I chose this topic for a couple of reasons. For one, I have personally experienced the world of Internet dating, so I find it rather interesting. Secondly, I find it to be one of the most popular ways for people to meet and find love. My objective is to reach out to people who may think that Internet dating is unsafe, weird, or just not a good way to meet people, and show them that it is in fact a good way to meet new people.